HIS FORESKIN IS NECESSARY – Nature Makes No Mistakes With His Penis!

His Foreskin is Necessary

His Foreskin is Necessary and nature makes no mistakes by Aleena Aspley of Lingam Whisperer Bodywork

His Foreskin is Necessary




The presence of the foreskin in every infant boy, at birth, raises an important question about its purpose in nature’s design. When we choose to remove this vital small section of delicate skin, from his penis, in the name of supposed medical benefits, it begs the question of whether we are truly wiser than nature?

Nature’s design holds innate wisdom and by recognizing and appreciating the natural state and perfection of an infant boys penis, we honor and respect the importance of preserving the foreskin’s perfect design, understanding that the male foreskin serves a purpose beyond what meets the human eye. The foreskin, carries significance and deserves thoughtful conversation surrounding its preservation.




The foreskin is a natural and integral part of the penis, and it plays an important role in sexual pleasure for both men and women. During intercourse, the foreskin allows the penis to function and feel as it was intended by nature, leading to a heightened potential for sexual ecstasy for him and his partner. 




Rich in Sensory Pleasure Nerves

The foreskin is rich in sensory-pleasure nerves, providing the natural (uncircumcised) penis with enhanced sensitivity and a greater range of pleasurable sensations. As a result, the natural penis is finely attuned to the complete experience of intercourse, leading to more delicate and gentle thrusting against the vaginal walls.

In other words, the uncircumcised penis responds more sensitively to the nuances sexual intercourse, creating a heightened level of tenderness and bringing immense pleasure to the participating woman. Embracing the natural state of the penis can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience for both partners.


Foreskin Restoration 101: How to Decircumcise For a Better Sex Life : West, Dr. Chris: Amazon

His Foreskin is Necessary


Men across the globe are discovering that it’s now possible to reclaim their foreskin, a choice that allows them to “undo” their circumcision and regain their natural state. While this topic may not dominate everyday conversations, the movement and its supporters are growing rapidly in number. Behind the scenes, many men are steadily raising awareness about foreskin restoration.




The presence of the foreskin significantly influences the length of a man’s stroke during intercourse. The uncircumcised penis possesses pleasure zones concentrated in the upper part, particularly in the foreskin and its attached frenulum. These areas contain numerous sensitive nerve receptors that respond delightfully to short, rapid stroking. When these quick strokes occur deep within the vagina, the male pubic mound engages in gentle, rhythmic, and almost continuous contact with the woman’s clitoral mound, which happens to be her primary pleasure zone. This exquisite interaction stimulates and intensifies her passion, bringing her to higher levels of arousal and ecstasy.




Unraveling the Impact on Female Pleasure

Is there such a thing as a “normal” thrusting rhythm during intercourse? Does the presence or absence of a foreskin affect a man’s thrusting rhythm, and how does it impact a woman’s pleasure during sex? These are intriguing questions that shed light on the intimate dance between partners in the bedroom.

Nature has endowed us with the potential for orgasm and equipped our sex organs with physiological mechanisms designed to bring pleasure to ourselves and our partners during intercourse. It seems that nature intended each partner’s sex organs to play a role in arousing the other towards orgasm. While men generally have no trouble achieving orgasm during vaginal intercourse, many women may struggle with reaching climax through penetration alone. The key to this mystery lies in rhythm, particularly in a man’s thrusting movements.

Survey respondents have shared their experiences, highlighting that the circumcised man’s thrusting rhythm can often be either too fast or too slow. In contrast, the natural man tends to fall into a mutually rewarding, constant rhythm, akin to a graceful dance of bodies in tune with one another. The secret to female pleasure, it seems, lies in the rhythm of a man’s thrusts.

Many women would agree that the size of the penis is not the primary determinant of pleasure during intercourse. Instead, it is the motion—the kind of action, stroking, and thrusting—that matters most. A consistent rhythm in the buildup to orgasm is often critical, according to women who have shared their experiences.


His Foreskin is Necessary


This blog delves into the idea that the presence or absence of a foreskin does make a noticeable difference in the movements of the penis during intercourse. A man with a foreskin tends to thrust his penis more gently, using lighter and shorter strokes that maintain a consistent rhythm. This allows for frequent contact between his pubic area and the woman’s clitoral mound, enhancing pleasure through pressure stimulation. As the short strokes quicken into a rapid, exciting rhythm, the woman’s pleasure can be further intensified in what can be described as a delightful “jiggling” or “diddling” sensation.


His Foreskin is Necessary and nature makes no mistakes



On the other hand, the circumcised man often thrusts harder, using longer and more forceful strokes, resulting in an irregular thrusting rhythm. His elongated strokes may reduce contact with the woman’s clitoral mound, and when contact occurs, it may be less pleasant, especially during rapid and forceful movements.

The rhythm of a man’s thrusting movements may indeed influence a woman’s pleasure during intercourse. The presence of a foreskin appears to offer a gentler and more consistent rhythm, while its absence may result in a harder and less harmonious rhythm. 




The Natural versus the  Circumcised Penis

The thrusting techniques and rhythms of the natural and circumcised penis are influenced by several crucial factors. These include the location of the primary pleasure zone, the kind of stimulation the pleasure receptors receive, and the extent of the penis’s outward motion during intercourse. The presence or absence of a foreskin plays a significant role in shaping these factors.

One of the key distinctions between the two types of penises lies in their primary pleasure zones. For the natural penis, the primary pleasure zone is situated in the upper area. On the other hand, the circumcised penis’s primary pleasure zone is found in the middle and base areas.

While the entire penis is sexually sensitive during intercourse, nature intended men to derive most of their sexual pleasure and orgasmic build-up from the upper part of the penis. This specific area is densely packed with super-sensitive nerves, which are carefully covered by the outer foreskin to shield them from stimulation until sexual activity takes place.

By concentrating the penis’s sexual firepower into this localized area at the forefront, nature minimizes the distance the penis needs to travel during inward and outward strokes. This design induces and sustains a high level of pleasure with shorter thrusting strokes, characteristic of the natural penis.

In essence, the natural penis is delicately tailored to provide a more focused and intense pleasure experience during intercourse. The foreskin acts as a protective shield until the right moment, allowing the upper area of the penis to become the primary area of activity for heightened pleasure. On the other hand, the circumcised penis may involve different thrusting techniques due to its distinct pleasure zones and stimulation patterns.

Understanding the intricate differences between the two types of penises sheds light on the remarkable ways in which nature has designed each to bring pleasure and satisfaction to both partners during sexual intimacy. Each variation offers its unique experiences, making the journey of exploration and pleasure in the realm of human sexuality all the more fascinating.


His Foreskin is Necessary

His Foreskin is Necessary


Circumcision, by removing the erogenous tissue of the foreskin and often the frenulum, leads to a decrease in penile sensitivity. As a result, circumcised men may compensate by employing rougher and more forceful thrusts to enhance sensation. Furthermore, the reduction in penile skin caused by circumcision results in a compacted and excessively rigid erect penis head and shaft. This abnormal hardness and stiffness not only diminish the woman’s pleasure but can also lead to varying degrees of discomfort during active coital thrusting.




As awareness about the sexual benefits of the foreskin spreads, an increasing number of men are expressing a desire to restore their own foreskin. Although the process of restoration may require time and effort, the ultimate reward lies in the heightened sexual pleasure it can bring. Embracing the journey of foreskin restoration becomes an investment in one’s sexual well-being and a pursuit of a more fulfilling intimate experience.

It’s important to note that foreskin restoration is not a medically recognized procedure aimed at regenerating or regrowing actual foreskin tissue. Instead, it focuses on stretching the existing penile skin to create the appearance of a foreskin, potentially enhancing sensitivity and sexual experiences.

The restoration process usually involves manual stretching exercises and the use of specific devices like tuggers, weights, or tension devices designed for this purpose. Gradual and gentle tension is applied over time to stimulate tissue expansion and promote skin growth, resulting in a more covering appearance around the head of the penis.

Patience and consistency are key during foreskin restoration, as results may vary from person to person. Some men who have undergone the process report increased sensitivity and improved sexual experiences, while others may find the benefits to be more aesthetic.

Anyone considering foreskin restoration should conduct thorough research, and if necessary, consult with medical professionals. It is vital to use reputable devices or methods to ensure safety and effectiveness throughout the journey.

Ultimately, foreskin restoration is a personal choice, and each individual’s decision about their own body and sexual experiences should be respected. By exploring the possibility of foreskin restoration, men are taking a proactive step towards embracing their own sexual well-being, their intimacy and connection with their partner, embracing heightened penis sensitivity and orgasmic pleasure.



His Foreskin is NecessaryWritten on April 14, 2020 by Aleena Aspley, who is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker. Aleena’s bodywork studio is located in North Brisbane, Queensland Australia.


My Website: https://yoniwhisperer.com.au & https://LingamWhisperer.com.au




Ms. Aleena Aspley

Certified Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sex Educator

NEO Tantra & Chakrassage Professional



Ms Aleena Aspley Certified Sexological Bodyworker Brisbane


My Bodywork Studio: North Brisbane, Queensland

Phone: 0404 449 433 (Text me to Book)

Overseas: +61 404 449 433

By Appointment: Monday to Friday until 9pm

I work occassional weekends – just ask

Bodywork Directory – www.AleenaAspley.com


Yoni Whisperer Bodywork Brisbane




INFANT CIRCUMCISION IS NOT RECOMMENDED — Why the Male Foreskin Should Stay Intact


THE CLITORIS — For Pure Unadulterated Female Pleasure