Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane lasting longer in the bedroom and ending PE, Orgasmic Mastery for Men.
Premature ejaculation poses a significant challenge for numerous men when left unaddressed. In the realm of more severe instances, it has the potential to strain and even jeopardize relationships, creating a palpable dissatisfaction within the confines of the bedroom. The impact can be particularly profound, with individuals in extreme cases finding themselves navigating the difficulties of engaging in sexual intercourse, where ejaculation occurs prematurely, sometimes even before penetration.
This predicament extends beyond the physical act itself, as it reverberates into the realms of self-esteem and emotional well-being. The repercussions are not confined to the man alone; his partner also bears the weight of the situation. The resulting distress can cast a shadow over the entire relationship, especially for couples with aspirations of conceiving, as the frustration amplifies with unmet expectations.
Viewed by some as a noteworthy inconvenience, premature ejaculation manifests as the untimely climax within the initial moments of sexual activity, often within a mere minute or two. The underlying dissatisfaction persists for both partners, hindering the attainment of the desired level of intimacy. Addressing this issue becomes paramount not only for the physical well-being of the individuals involved but also for the holistic health of the relationship itself.
Some experts in the field of sexuality propose that Premature Ejaculation might be linked to early conditioning, particularly the habit of hasty masturbation. The theory suggests that a young man’s initial sexual experiences were hurried to avoid detection, conditioning him to reach climax rapidly.
From an evolutionary perspective, it’s plausible that males who climaxed quickly had a reproductive advantage. In ancient times, a male ejaculating quickly might have had a higher chance of impregnating his partner, contributing to the growth of his tribe.
Furthermore, anxiety or nervousness is acknowledged as a significant factor in many cases of Premature Ejaculation. The presence of nerves often leads to a quicker climax. Some individuals have found that consuming a small amount of alcohol can alleviate anxiety, making it less likely for them to ejaculate prematurely.
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
DEPRESSION — Feelings of depression or anxiety, particularly related to performance. Anxiety – Experiencing anxious thoughts about potential rejection by a sexual partner. Confidence – Having a mindset that anticipates failure. Attitude – Negative sexual experiences during childhood shaping one’s outlook. Religion – The Catholic Church, along with many religious groups, continues to label masturbation as a sin, attributing it to a lack of self-control and the promotion of sexual promiscuity.
MYTHS — Persistent myths surrounding masturbation, such as unfounded claims about blindness, palm hair growth, premature ejaculation, and the recent false assertion of leading to sex addiction. Guilt associated with these myths doesn’t deter forbidden sexual activities but instead fosters negative emotions.
STRESS — The body’s response to demands or pressures, which can be both positive and negative. While stress is a natural coping mechanism, excessive or prolonged stress can impact physical and mental health.
RELATIONSHIP ISSUES — Challenges within a relationship affecting sexual well-being. Sensitivity – Having an overly sensitive penis, particularly the glans. Fast Masturbation – Rapidly finishing during masturbation may contribute to premature ejaculation (PE) and condition individuals to consistently reach orgasm quickly.
HUMAN EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY — Considering the evolutionary advantages of quick ejaculation during intra-vaginal intercourse in the ancestral past, such as maximizing insemination opportunities or allowing focus on other adaptive behaviors. This perspective also contemplates the role of quick mating under discreet conditions.
TENSE HIPS — A sedentary lifestyle causing tight hip flexors and pain, often due to prolonged sitting, structural imbalances, postural habits, or uneven leg length. Tight hips may flare up during lower body exercises.
FEMALE AROUSAL / EXCITEMENT / ORGASM — The potent nature of female arousal, orgasm, and shakti energy, potentially overwhelming for a male, leading to premature ejaculation. The transfer of erotic energy during intercourse can result in unexpected male ejaculation.
RECREATIONAL DRUGS — The use of illegal drugs like amphetamines and cocaine is associated with premature ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
I have had amazing success teaching males to last longer. In one session, a male who lacks confidence lasting, can easily learn some simple techniques to take home and practice straight away.
You will also leave my studio, after your first appointment with my Tantric Males Multiples Mastery Home Pleasure Play Practice. This will further enhance your lasting longer prowess at home.
The male body has such amazing capacity to experience heightened states of ecstatic bliss, pleasure and un-chartered orgasmic potential. I’m NOT talking about a 10 second male GENITAL orgasm resulting in ejaculation, erection loss and sex is over!
I AM talking about, adult males, experiencing heightened states of sublime ecstasy, orgasmically, for FIVE, TEN, THIRTY minutes and longer – WITHOUT EJACULATING!
Yes, you did hear me correctly – men can ORGASM WITHOUT EJACULATING, when his ejaculation reflex is relaxed, just before a male goes into the point of no return.
My Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session, re-wires, coaches and educates men to be able to reach orgasm intensities where the male body ORGASMS WITHOUT EJACULATION.
This is not a joke, men CAN orgasm for extended periods of time, without ejaculating, but only when his orgasm reaches a measured frequency and/or intensity, his sexual Kundalini energy is awakened and his sexual chi is circulated into the Luminous Energy of his body!
Way back in 2005, I was giving a Kinkassage® bodywork session to a very orgasmically awakened man. Slowly his body began to shake, he began moaning, his back was arching, I could feel his energy, it was electric and dynamic and I started thinking, OMG this man is having an orgasm – he’s having an orgasm however has hasn’t ejaculated! At this point I was totally blown away, I kept thinking, he’s having an orgasm, he’s having an orgasm…BUT he’s not ejaculating! WOW! I was Gob-smacked!
I thought to myself, I have seen this before with previous male clients on my massage table, but you see I had only just begun my career as a bodyworker and I did not know that men could orgasm without ejaculating. At this stage, it dawned on me and I thought to myself, I HAVE TO TEACH EVERY MAN HOW TO HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE OF ORGASM! Imagine how many women could be completely satisfied in the bedroom. if every man could orgasm for extended periods of time without ejaculating!
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
“Within my body are all the sacred places of the world, and the most profound pilgrimage, I can ever make, is within my own body” Saraha
Would you like to learn how to have multiple orgasms, without ejaculating? I am talking about experiencing orgasm beyond the understanding of 98% of the human population! Every man can learn to orgasm without ejaculating, however, some men learn faster than others!
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
Opening the male body, to awaken and expand his orgasmic potential into Luminous Energy multiple orgasms, is possible, when a man is taught how to access his limitless orgasmic potential and precious Shiva God energy. All men are capable of experiencing intense feelings of joyous bliss and pleasure, for which the male body was designed to enjoy.
The goal of my Male Multiples Mastery, is to assist men to awaken and feel joy, euphoria, ecstasy and bliss during lovemaking, masturbation and in his everyday life. Our human bodies have such out-of-this-world potential for pure divine and endless orgasmic pleasure!
Relaxation is extremely important, for a male’s arousal to diffuse out of the genital cavity, radiating into the central nervous system and expanding into the whole male body.
During your Male Multiples Mastery session, I draw on Tantric, Sexological Bodywork and Shamanic bodywork techniques to assist your body into complete and profound relaxation.
Your Male Multiples Mastery session will go at the speed which you are most comfortable, your session will be un-rushed and you will need to allow at least two hours on your very first session.
As your session progresses, I will coach you to relax, breathe and surrender. Your breathing will slow into deep belly breaths as your body becomes more and more relaxed. At this stage, you may lose track of time, which is described as a deep meditative state of consciousness.
My intuition and experience, guides my hands, as I tune into your body’s luminous energy. I will coach you to connect with your breath, (in through nose, out through mouth) and flow of energy within your body. My touch is sensual and relaxing, tuning into your subtle body’s imbalances, as well as a deeper emphasis on the physical body and relief of muscle tension. During your Male Multiples Mastery session, I will coach you to breathe slowly, so that your body is saturated with oxygen. Slow continuous breathing, will assist you to feel more during arousal and helps your body to relax, so that you are able to last longer.
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
Sound amplifies the feelings of bliss, ecstatic pleasure and the intensity and duration of human orgasm.
Sound is one of the most important attributes of lasting longer for people with a penis. The correct sound can pump and circulate arousal and orgasm out of the male genital bowl into every cell of the his body.
I believe, males are unconsciously wired to make no sound; it’s like a tiny code that is written into their DNA. Male masturbation is most often done quietly, muscle tension, grunts and blowing sounds are the norm for the average man, which keeps his erotic energy trapped downwards. Nature has successfully wired a male, to unconsciously maintain his arousal and orgasm in his genitals, which enables his body to always ejaculate when he experiences orgasm.
Energy flows where your attention goes. If you are a male, and you are constantly focused on holding off ejaculating, then you are constantly focusing your attention downwards.
During your Male Multiples Mastery session, I will teach you how to circulate your arousal into every cell of your body. Not only that, I will coach you how to expand your arousal into your body’s luminous energy field. You will be blown away, by the new orgasmic sensations, that you have never felt before!
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
Expanding a males sexual pleasure to last longer, so he can experience multiple orgasms without ejaculation, to me, as a somatic sex coach, is supreme cock confidence!
A male who learns the skills to last longer, and match his partners orgasm intensity during sex, ensures that his female partner experiences many hearty and earth shattering multiple orgasms.
The most profound compliment, a male can receive from his sexual partner is, “OMG, I don’t think I can take any more orgasms”. I personally have said, to one of my lovers; “I really don’t think I can take another orgasm!” Just imagine how you would feel if your sexual partner said that to you?
“As the sensations became stronger, my vocal expressions became deeper and louder. I continued until I was so overwhelmed by this feeling I literally could not move anymore – pleasantly paralyzed by orgasm with no urge to ejaculate.” Author Unknown
My Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session is a sensual and erotic, full-body relaxation session incorporating my exclusive erotic Kinkassage bodywork techniques.
In this intensely erotic session you can lay and relax, while I coach you into a male Luminous Energy Orgasm. Head control tactics to last longer will be replaced with my unique Kinkassage relaxation techniques – which means YOU WILL LEARN TO LAST!
As your Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session progresses, I will pamper you with my unique buttock bodywork techniques, designed to assist you to completely relax. During your MMM session prepare to be fully relaxed, while teased and stimulated at the same time. Head control tactics, to last longer, will be replaced with new skills, to enhance lasting enjoyment for yourself and your partner.
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
I teach a natural approach to assist men to last longer. In your first two hour session, I will open your awareness and understanding about the difference between a male genital orgasm, with ejaculation, and a male Luminous Energy Orgasm, where your body can climax without ejaculating.
At the end of your first Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session, you will leave my studio with a complete understanding about how your male erotic wiring works. You will completely understand how your genital arousal can be circulated upwards and around your body – this technique alone helps you to last longer and a technique you can use for the rest of your life.
The Best Homework EVER!
I will teach you simple, lasting-longer “Male Multiples Mastery” techniques to practice at home, skills which you can use in the bedroom for the rest of your life. In addition, you will be taught my “MMM Home Play” practice to further enhance your newly acquired skills to last longer at home.
I have coached a diverse range of male clients, from all walks of life, from all over Australia and overseas. I have many doctors, who have booked a one-on-one Male Multiples Mastery coaching session. Those doctors experienced amazing results, and they then started referring their Premature Ejaculation patients to me.
I am a certified Somatic Sexologist (Sexological Bodyworker), Tantra professional and the owner of trademarked Kinkassage®. Since 2005, I have been coaching men in advanced sexual skills to last longer with their partner.
All males can learn to last longer and master prolonged Luminous Energy orgasms, however, some men do learn faster than others. My tried and tested, Male Multiples Mastery techniques, gives every male the opportunity to improve his sexual stamina and bedroom confidence.
BOOK ONE SESSION ONLY: It is your choice as to whether you want to book a one off Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session. Perhaps, you are dubious about whether men can experience non-ejaculation orgasms? If this is the case, then just book in for one session, do come to your booking with an open mind and your may leave my studio with a completely different perspective about expanded Male Luminous Energy orgasm.
COMMIT TO FIVE SESSIONS: The reason, that Tantric Male Multiples Mastery is a five session committment, is because for most men, it can take FIVE sessions to successfully master the techniques that I coach.
In one session, you will learn to last longer and you may experience an orgasm without ejaculation, however, most men require more than one appointment to rewire their body and learn this NEW multi-orgasmic bedroom skill.
Advanced Sexual Mastery Coaching for Men
Lasting Longer – End Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
- $500 Allow 2-3 Hours
- Chakrassage Awakening Kundalini bodywork
- Kinkassage® bodywork
- Meditation Techniques to Last Longer
- Surrender into your Heart Space, Open your Chakras, Awaken your Kundalini channels, and take your sexual energy upwards into a Auric Luminous Energy Orgasm
- Do not ejaculate for at least 24 hours before your booked session.
- Do not take Viagra or Cialis
- No alcohol or recreational drugs
- Do tell me if you are on pain killers or antihistamines
- Interntional travellers – Do tell me if you have jet lag
A two hour Tantric Male Multiples Mastery bodywork session to learn advanced skills to last longer. I will be coaching you into a male Luminous Energy Orgasm. (This is a totally different experience than your regular male genital based orgasm).
IN YOUR FIRST SESSION – We will begin with you lying face down on my massage table. Your session will begin with Kundalini Awakening Bodywork, as your session progresses you will be taught how to breathe and focus your energy upwards. My touch is sensual & mildly arousing, I will coach you to last longer, by re-diverting your male genital arousal, and erotic energy upwards & away from your genitals. This automatically assists you to last longer.
MEDITATION – During your Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session, I may introduce Meditation Techniques into your session to learn to last longer and further down-load into your sub-conscious true staying power!
AS YOUR SESSION PROGRESSES – At the 60 minute stage of your MMM session, you will turn over facing upwards. I will place a pillow under your knees and your Tantric Male Multiples Mastery sessions continues.
THE SECOND HOUR – As your Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session advances into the second hour, you will feel profoundly relaxed, your brain chatter will be switched off and your body will be abundantly energized with oxygen. I will then begin your Lingam (Penis) bodywork. It is extremely important to take this part of your MMM session very slowly as I don’t want to over stimulate you and trigger early ejaculation.
MULTI-ORGASMIC COACHING – Your session is designed to take it slowly into a Luminous Energy Orgasm. I will coach you every step of the way.
There is a distinct recipe, for a man to follow, to learn to orgasm without ejaculating. I am not going to go into details of my bodywork techniques, on my website. The only feedback, that I can say, is that I have nearly 20 years experience coaching men into Luminous Energy Orgasms. If you are Queensland based, then you are booking with one of the top people in my field of expertise in Australia!
BEFORE YOU GO HOME – At the end of your session, you will leave my studio with more confidence and you will be taught my MMM Home Play practice to enhance your lasting longer skills at home. I will also recommend that you return in 2-4 weeks time for your second session.
MY RECOMMENDATIONS – If you are committed to learning to become Multi-Orgasmic (without ejaculating) it is recommended that you complete my FIVE Tantric Male Multiples Mastery sessions.
MMM HOME PLAY — I will also recommend that between sessions, you will practice your home play practice. The more you commit to your home play pleasure practice, the quicker you will be learning to master Luminous Energy Orgasms (without ejaculation). Fully committing to your Home Play Practice means you will be speedily re-wiring your body to last longer!
- $300 (1-2 Hours)
- Surrender into your heart space & amplify your arousal into a more profound Lumninous Energy Orgasm. Your second Tantric Male Multiples mastery session will be much more intense, than in your first session. Surrendering is the key to a successful second session.
- PREPARATION – Same as session One
Your 2nd session begins with a discussion about your first session with me and your experiences, at home, while practicing your MMM Home Play practice.
YOUR SECOND SESSION – I will be coaching you into a deeper relaxation and asking you to surrender into pleasure. The goal of your second, Tantric Male Multiples Mastery session is to achieve a deep meditative state of consciousness, while you lay on my massage table and receive your relaxing Kundalini awakening bodywork. All human beings, can experience far superior, Luminous Energy Orgasms, when they are able to turn off brain chatter and surrender completely into the moment into a deep meditative state of consciousness.
Once again, you will be personally coached to breathe and focus your erotic energy upwards. The goal of my sensual touch, is to have you in a deeply relaxed state, while feeling mildly aroused. You will automatically last longer, as I coach you to re-direct your male genital arousal, and erotic energy away from your penis. Lasting Longer is extremely important skill to harness for a male who wants to last in the bedroom and experience orgasm with delayed ejaculation OR the decision for you to re-wire your body to orgasm without ejaculation. Non-Ejaculation Orgasms the Maclarens of Male Orgasm!
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
- $300 (1-2 Hours)
- Expand your Orgasmic Potential into a 1-2 Minute Non-Ejaulation Orgasm
- PREPARATION – Same as session One
Your 3rd session begins with a discussion about your previous 2nd session and your experiences from practicing your MMM Home Play practice.
YOUR THIRD SESSION – I will be expanding your orgasmic potential to experience a two minute Luminous Energy Orgasm. The third session is always a break through experience and expansive session and, in Tantric circles, it is common for Tantric practitioners to ask for a commitment of three sessions. Your first two sessions, with me, are focused on awakening to more pleasure and learning to surrender, which can be a challenge for the average male.
Your commitment to three sessions means that you will be taking our male body into higher frequencies of orgasm. This means you will be able to last longer and the goal of your 3rd session is to experience a full two minute Luminous Energy Orgasm.
“Advanced” Sexual Mastery for Brisbane Men
Your 4th session begins with a discussion about your previous 3rd session and your experiences from practicing your MMM Home Play practice.
YOUR FOURTH SESSION – is personally structured to your bodies erotic growth exploring deeper, longer and more intense Luminous Energy Orgasms.
Your advanced 4th session can awaken your male body into the experience of higher intensity Luminous Energy Orgasms. In this session you will get to experience the orgasmic universe as you have never experienced it before!
- $300 (1-2 Hours)
- 2-5 Minute and longer Luminous Energy Non-Ejaculation Orgasm
- PREPARATION – Same as session One
Your 5th session begins with a discussion about your previous four sessions and your experiences from practicing your MMM Home Play practice.
YOUR FIFTH SESSION is structured to delve into the true spirituality of Luminous Energy Orgasm. At this stage of enlightenment your male body has experienced orgasm in every cell of your body including your auric field.
At this level of enlightenment, I am able to move my hands over your male body and instantly orbit your body into instantaneous shaking and tingling (even with no genital touch).
At home, you will have noticed that your orgasmic prowess has introduced itself into the bedroom with your significant other. Perhaps your partner has begged you to slow down because he/she can’t orgasm any longer. This is a TRUE comment I have heard often!
- $300 (1-2 Hours)
- 5-10 Minute and longer Luminous Energy Non-Ejaculation Orgasm
- PREPARATION – Same as session One.
Premature Ejaculation Bodywork Brisbane
- Lasting Longer Techniques that do actually work!
- Sensate Touch Techniques
- Erotic Kinkassage Bodywork
- Sensual Coconut Oil
- Pudendal Nerve Awakening – to bring pleasure ALIVE!
- Awakening of over 15,000 nerve endings in the pelvic cavity
- Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage & Psoas Fasia Release
- Personalized Tantric Breath, Sound and Movement Coaching
- Luminous Energy Orbit Breath – my specialty!
- Tantric Pelvic Rotation Bodywork Technique – my specialty!
- G-Spot – just ask!
- Whole Body Vibration for Chakra Activation
- Heightened Ecstatic States of Consciousness
- Profound Relaxation into Theta Brain Waves (Zero Brain Chatter)
- MMM Home Play Practice Techniques (i.e. Solo Masturbation Techniques to Learn to Last Longer and experience Luminous Energy Orgasms in the comfort of your own home)
- A Positive experience and a smile from ear to ear when you leave my studio!
If you have a problem with arriving too FAST, then do yourself a favour and commit to five sessions of my Male Multiples Mastery program – you will be re-wiring your male body to last longer and enjoy a superior sex life with your partner.
Male Multiples Mastery – Wow, that was f#cking full on and completely awesome!. A different mindset experience. Insane! Michael 30/7/19
Male Multiples Mastery -Thank you. OMG that was amazing. It was like continuous tingly waves up and down my body. My arms and body are still tingling. I can’t remember where I went to, but I’ve never experience an orgasm like that before! It was really different, something else – feeling my body uncontrollably shiver and shake. I feel great. I feel amazing. James 17/7/19
Male Multiples Mastery – I’m just so relaxed and my upper body is tingling. I felt a rush of erotic energy and orgasm into my chest. It was very much a Luminous Energy Orgasm experience, it wasn’t about my genitals. My experience was amazing.
Chris 4/7/19
Male Multiples Mastery – I just felt like I was pushing everything upwards. I started shaking, my body wanted to tense and stop shaking but when I surrendered I felt even more pleasure. Now laying here I feel really calm and relaxed. All my toes and fingers are feeling tingly and light. I can just feel my whole body in total enjoyment.
Daniel 3/7/19
Updated Website & SEO 11/11/23